Category Archives: News

4 Tips for Fast Wrist Pain Relief

Do you dread typing, tying your shoes, twisting a doorknob, or high-fiving someone? You might be suffering from wrist pain! You might not realize how much you use your wrists on any given day until one (or both of them) is injured. It completely stops you in your tracks and keeps you from doing the […]

Relieve Symptoms With a Custom Carpal Tunnel Brace

If you have carpal tunnel syndrome or CTS, then you know it’s no joke. Affecting 1 out of 20 people in America, carpal tunnel syndrome can cause discomfort, pain, and even work lost due to the inability to use your hand or wrist. But you don’t have to suffer in silence – once diagnosed by a doctor, […]

4 Common Causes of Forearm Pain

You use your forearm muscles more than you know. If you have a desk job, typing and texting on your phone and computer all day utilizes muscles and tendons in both your wrist and forearm – a lot. If you have a manual labor job, you probably workout your forearms even more! So how can […]

Here’s Why Desert Hand is the Best Phoenix Physical Therapy Clinic

So here you are. You’ve made it through surgery, or perhaps you’ve finally received a diagnosis from a doctor, and they’re recommending physical therapy, which is great! But where do you even start looking? There are so many clinics out there – how can you know which one is right for you? Here’s our recommendation […]

What Makes Us Stand Out? Custom-Made Splints for Hands

If you are dealing with discomfort in your hand or recovering from surgery, you might need a hand splint. Splints for hands can help with healing because they ensure that your hands and fingers remain in the same position. Similarly to when a bone has broken and you need a cast for the bone to […]

3 Causes of Neck Pain You Might Not Know About

There’s nothing worse than waking up in the morning, lifting your arms for a nice stretch, and then wham! Massive neck pain. It can be a dull ache or it can be so sore that you can’t turn your head. Sometimes neck pain can even evolve into a monstrous headache. Whatever the case, it’s difficult […]

4 Scary Long Term Effects of Poor Posture

Take a peek around you if you’re in an office.  Or take a quick look at yourself.  What do you see?  Everyone hunched and slumped over at their computers.  I bet that made you sit up straight, didn’t it?  When you go out to eat, look at the people sitting down around you.  How is […]

Hand Hurts From Typing? This Could Be the Cause

There are a lot of jobs in the world where risk and danger is imminent. It’s possible that you never thought your desk job would have any potential health risks (aside from eating too many chips out of the vending machine). However, if you sit at your desk typing all day long, there is a […]

Improve Your Mobility With These Range of Motion Exercises

Range of Motion Exercises, or ROM exercises, are important movement patterns designed to regain mobility in a joint such as the shoulder, knee, wrist or fingers. Regularly moving your joints can help reduce pain, keep your joints flexible, and improve strength and balance. These exercises can also be designed for you by a physical or […]

4 Exercises for Golfer’s Elbow You Should Try Today

It may seem odd, but repetitive movement can have long term effects on your elbows. If you suffer from golfer’s elbow you know the pain—that persistent, nagging pain that can put a huge damper on everyday life. Golfer’s elbow is a common overuse injury which generally causes pain at the inner part of the elbow. Ouch! […]

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