About National Physical Therapy Month
National Physical Therapy Month (NPTM) is a commemoration held each October by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). NPTM is designed to recognize the impact that physical therapists and physical therapy assistants make in restoring and improving motion in people’s lives.
In honor of National Physical Therapy Month, DHT Physical Therapy is celebrating our own physical therapists. They dedicate their time to ensure their clients are safely preventing and recovering from injuries. We caught up with some of our physical therapists to hear what they had to say about their career choice, favorite success stories and some fun facts.
Wanda, Physical Therapist at our Glendale location
Whats the best part of your job? Seeing my patients get better and return to normal activities.
Whats the most important advice you give your patients? Follow through with your home exercise program
Whats the one thing you wish your patients would do more of? Show up to their therapy appointments on time.
What is your special talent? I am an amazing baker!
If you could play any sport professionally, which one and why? I would be a down hill skier, because as a kid growing up in Canada it was something we always would do when we were on the mountain and that’s a memory I love!
Lisa, Physical Therapist at our Biltmore Commerce Center
What’s the best part of your job? It’s never boring. No matter how many knees or shoulders you work on they are all unique in their own way.
What is it that excites/motivates you on a daily basis? Helping people feel better and move better. Knowing you made a difference in their lives.
What’s the most important advice you give your patients? Keep active so you can continue to feel better and move better.
If you could be an animal, which one would you be and why? An eagle so I can soar up above and see the world.
Would you rather sky dive or bungee jump? Neither. I like to keep my feet on the ground.
Which TV show do you watch that is your biggest guilty pleasure? Forensic files.
Chris Reynolds, PT, MHS, CHT at our Phoenix Gateway location
What was the light bulb moment for you where you knew you were supposed to be a physical therapist? When I was a sophmore at UM 20 years old, and got a “C” on my report card which I thought doomed me to never being an MD… Mom said “you love sports why not PT?”.., had no idea what it was but applied and got in (otherwise had switched my major to history and would have gone to law school)
What’s the best part of your job? Figuring out what patient needs to be motivated/ inspired to get well. Joining them in the walk to wellness
What’s the biggest success story you’ve seen? JIMMY! Guy whose arm crushed by 80,000 lb semi truck back to work in 6 months. He won a prestigious workers comp award given annually to person exemplifying attributes of impossible achievements
What are you currently listening to/reading/watching? Reading the John Carlos story of a black athlete fro Harlem in the 60’s who overcame obstacles to win bronze in the 1968 Olympics (200 meter). Made history with protest on the winners stand by raising gloved fist with gold medal winner Tommie Smith and lost medals and just about everything
What is your favorite quote? Psalm 23 (by David): The Lord is my Shepard. There is nothing I shall want…
What is your favorite song/If you could pick one song to be the theme song to your life, what would it be? Disagree by Dave Mason