Dry Needling at Desert Hand and Physical Therapy
What is Dry Needling?
Dry Needling can be used to treat many different pathologies, including chronic pain, scar management, and increasing soft tissue extensibility. Thin needles are inserted through critical areas of trigger points, soft tissue pain, and insertion points to manage pain and improve function. The term “dry needle” is given to this procedure due to the fact that the small needles are dry. The needles do not have any associated medication and will not be followed by injection. The main goal of this procedure is to stimulate blood flow to an area which is hypersensitized to illicit natural healing in the area.
What Conditions Are Best Served By Dry Needling Treatment?
A long list of opportunities for use of dry needling as a procedure exist. Dry needling has been found to be quite effective with soft tissue disorders, trigger points, or management of tissue extensibility needs. This includes any diagnosis from basic joint pain to tendonitis conditions.
Does Dry Needling Hurt?
Most people tolerate Dry Needling well. The needles are thin, monofilaments. Needles range in size and your therapist will determine which sizes are appropriate for you. Some people do not feel the needles entering the tissue. Some people sight a slight “prick” feeling. The majority of patients do not state this causes any pain.
How Does Someone Receive Training for Dry Needling?
Physical and occupational therapists in Arizona are required to take specialized training in Dry Needling. It is required to be able to show this training in order to be provided approval from the state licensing board prior to Dry Needling patients. Many courses are available for this specialized training. I received my training with the American Dry Needling Institute and also took a secondary refresh course at the Spinal Manipulation Institute, the American Academy of Manipulative Therapy.
How Do I Make an Appointment?
Appointments can be scheduled by calling the clinic. Most appointments take approximately 30-45 minutes. Your therapist will discuss with you the best treatment approach for you depending on your pathology. Please click HERE to schedule a new patient appointment or inquire about dry needling services offered at Desert Hand and Physical Therapy.
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