Author Archives: Teresa Stockton

Trigger Finger: Here’s What You Can Do About It

Do you think you might be experiencing trigger finger? Are you not sure? Here we break down some facts about what this condition is, its causes, symptoms, and its potential treatments. This condition, also known as stenosing tenosynovitis, occurs when inflammation narrows the space in the sheath that surrounds the tendon in the finger. This means that […]

Carpal Tunnel Treatment: Here’s What You Need to Know

  If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, then you know how uncomfortable the symptoms can be and how it can affect your daily life. Carpal tunnel syndrome, or CTS, affects 1 out of 20 people in America. Because it’s such a common condition, there are a variety of options when searching for effective carpal tunnel treatment. […]

Fight Fibromyalgia Symptoms With These 3 Tips

Dealing with the constant, daily pain of fibromyalgia can be rough. So is fatigue and brain fog. While fibromyalgia symptoms are manifested in different ways for different people, most can agree that all symptoms are life-altering. First, what is fibromyalgia? About 450 million people all over the world suffer from fibromyalgia, according to the National Fibromyalgia Association. Even Lady Gaga was […]

7 Hand Stretches to Ease Stiffness

Pain and stiffness in your hands can be annoying. Even if it’s nothing significant, it can be enough to interfere with your daily tasks. With stiff hands, it’s difficult to turn a key, type on the computer or open a jar. You never really realize how many different and necessary things you do with your hands each […]

7 Hand Stretches to Ease Stiffness

Pain and stiffness in your hands can be annoying. Even if it’s nothing significant, it can be enough to interfere with your daily tasks. With stiff hands, it’s difficult to turn a key, type on the computer or open a jar. You never really realize how many different and necessary things you do with your hands each […]

Try This Morning Workout to Jumpstart Your Day

Just the thought of a morning workout can sound like the last thing you want to do. Especially if you’re not an early bird. Do your mornings usually consist of you stumbling around trying to get ready, scrambling to get something made for breakfast with not enough sleep to begin with? There’s no better time […]

3 Reasons Why You Should Eat With Your Hands

It’s time to get your hands dirty and eat with your hands! There are many traditional cultures who eat with their hands and have done so throughout the ages. Now, restaurants across the United States are encouraging patrons to eat with their hands. While this may seem crazy that this is considered a “trend” to […]

DHT Physical Therapy Cancer Related Fatigue Program

The fatigue felt by people with cancer is so common that it has its own name: cancer related fatigue. When it strikes, it is often debilitating and can significantly impact the quality of life. Cancer related fatigue (CRF) isn’t unique to cancer treatment, it can even occur after treatment is complete. It’s a daily lack […]

Sensory Reeducation Exercises After a Nerve Injury

Do your hands feel numb sometimes? Do you have difficulty telling the difference between temperatures like hot or cold using your hands? If you answered yes to these questions, you may have a sensory impairment. A sensory impairment can occur in the nerves in your hand following a stroke or another injury affecting the way your brain […]

Why Your TMJ Could Use Some TLC

TMJ pain can be pretty confusing. When you have pain anywhere in your body, you go to the doctor. If your mouth hurts, you schedule a dentist appointment. But what most people don’t realize is that you can go to physical therapy for both mouth pain and body pain. TMJ (temporomandibular joint disease) is a […]

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